Mew Miu
Discover's memorization method

How to memorize everything efficiently with the method

  1. Focus

  2. Setting a Goal

  3. Manage the Resources

  4. Summarise Key Ideas

  5. Memorizing with our Mementos

  6. Repeat

  7. Share

There is no definitive method for memorising quickly and effectively. It will depend on the learner's profile as well as the time, the subject and the methods used. However, if there is no 100% certain method, there are ways to come close. And very close! At we have summarised the best ones for you:

Focus, Memorise, Repeat!

1. Focus

Memorization is a complex process. Memorising well implies a state, a method, a rigour. Before starting a Focus Session, it is recommended to be well rested and to be physically to be well rested and physically prepared in order to stay focused as long as possible.

Before starting a Focus session on

  • Turn off all types of notifications ("do not disturb" option on Apple or Google smartphone)
  • Isolate yourself in a quiet and comfortable place where you are sure not to be disturbed.
  • Make sure you have enough free time to finish the concentration session
  • Plan real breaks for rest and relaxation depending on the level of attention
  • Identify attention lapses to address them
  • Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help you focus.

2. Setting a goal

First of all, you need to set an achievable goal. It is easier to concentrate when you have a goal in mind.

At it all starts with a simple concentration time goal: Set a time interval during which you will focus on your topic.
Managing to stay focused for the allotted time is already an achieved goal!

Also at during your Focus, you will find a ToDo List by default:

  • Resources => Add the best Resources,
  • Key Ideas => Summarise the topic into Key Ideas,
  • Memento => create a Memento to memorise each of the key ideas in your subject over the long term.

So, unless you have different objectives, you will follow this simple Task List which will allow you to structure your Focus according to a simple and proven methodology.

Find out all the different ways you can set yourself goals (weekly goal, Daily Focus, Online Pomodoro, To-do list...) by trying out our webapp for concentration and memorisation!

3. Manage the Resources

Resource management is crucial. It is the basis of your knowledge, your working material. No one wants to have to reinvent the wheel and we all stand on the We all stand on the shoulders of giants. But we have to be sure that we are dealing with giants... The ability to search for resources as well as the skill to evaluate them is paramount and should be worked on constantly until you feel able to do the research yourself without depending on another authority (human or artificial).

Most often we have access to a recommended resource such as a teacher's course with its own bibliography. But further on in the studies or very quickly when doing research on your own, you will have to search and evaluate the resources yourself.

There are several ways to find relevant resources for your studies:

  • Seek advice from teachers, mentors or experienced professionals in the field of study.
  • Use specialised search engines such as Google Scholar, arXiv, JSTOR, Academia or Researchgate to find reliable, high-quality academic articles.
  • Use open source libraries and archives. For example, Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive and the Open Library are all excellent resources for finding free books and articles.
  • Visit the websites of universities and academic institutions to access online resources such as e-books, articles and databases.
  • Participate in online forums and discussion groups on social networks to exchange ideas and advice with others interested in the same subject.
  • Visit university or public libraries to find books, newspapers and other physical resources.

It is important to check the quality and relevance of the information sources and assessing the reliability of the authors and publishers. authors and publishers.

Going further: learning how to find evaluate and use resources to explore a topic in depth

4. Taking Notes and Summarizing Key Ideas

Let's start with a question we have all probably asked ourselves: is it always useful to take notes in class when we can often find the content in a PDF provided by the teacher, a course platform, a textbook, or even a video?

If it is always essential to take notes to summarize a resource, it is because it constitutes the first serious step in memorization: understanding the subject. By taking notes, you make an effort to understand through organizing knowledge and reformulating it, which automatically engages your memory. Understanding a subject is the foundation of long-term memorization.

How to Take Effective Notes?

Taking notes to summarize key ideas is an essential skill that helps you process and retain information effectively from various sources. Here are some steps to follow when taking notes to summarize key ideas:

  • Quickly browse the content: Before delving into the content, quickly scan it to get a general idea of the structure and main themes. This will help you anticipate key ideas and better understand the context.
  • Active listening/reading: Actively engage with the material by focusing on the speaker's words or the text you are reading. This will help you identify important points and better retain information.
  • Identify key ideas: Pay attention to titles, subtitles, and opening sentences, as they often indicate the main points. Also, look for repeated themes or ideas, as they are likely to be important.
  • Use abbreviations and symbols: To save time and space, use abbreviations and symbols that you understand. This will allow you to quickly jot down information without losing sight of the content.
  • Organize your notes: Structure your notes logically, using bullets, numbers, or outlines. This will help you visualize the hierarchy of ideas and facilitate later synthesis.
  • Be concise: Write short and clear sentences or expressions that capture the essence of key ideas. Avoid copying large chunks of text verbatim, as it can make it difficult to identify the main points when reviewing your notes later.
  • Review and revise: After taking notes, reread them and make any necessary revisions or additions. This will help consolidate your understanding and ensure that you have grasped the key ideas.
  • AI to assist: Information overload is a common problem for learners. Fortunately, AI can help you quickly synthesize lengthy documents by highlighting essential points. Example tools: QuillBot, Summariser, Cliche Finder.

You are now ready to create your Memento!

Transform key ideas into a Memento! Now that you have summarized your topic with its key ideas, use to create a Memento. Mementos are the result of your memorization work, consisting of key ideas summarizing your topic, along with descriptions, quizzes, flashcards, notes, and resources you have added.

5. Memorizing with our Mementos

Memorizing the key ideas of a subject is essential for various reasons, both in academic and professional contexts. By internalizing important concepts, you can promote better understanding, enhance problem-solving skills, and improve communication.

  • Firstly, memorizing key ideas helps deepen your understanding of a subject. When you remember fundamental principles, you can more easily connect new information to existing knowledge, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the content.
  • Secondly, it strengthens problem-solving skills. When faced with a challenge, having key ideas at your fingertips allows you to rely on relevant concepts and methodologies to develop solutions effectively.
  • Finally, memorizing key ideas enhances communication skills. In written and verbal exchanges, being able to recall essential concepts and vocabulary allows you to express your thoughts more clearly and persuasively.

Create Your Own Memento

  • A Memento is where you record what you want to remember and find useful information.
  • With, you can create your own Mementos by adding key ideas from your topic, mnemonic aids, visuals, quizzes, flashcards, descriptions, or resources.
  • This compilation and synthesis exercise is very effective for long-term memorization of your topic.
  • Rewording each key idea as a quiz or flashcard is an exercise in understanding and memorization that is extremely powerful.

Expand each key idea by adding a description, quizzes, and flashcards. This way, you can reinforce your understanding and memorization in a fun and effective manner. Learn your key ideas by heart and test yourself with the Flashtest to see if you have memorized them all correctly!

What are the best memorization techniques?

Here are some of the best memorization techniques to help you memorize your subject in the long term:

  • Mnemonics and Association: Associate information with images, phrases, rhymes, numbers, lists,
  • The Feynman Technique: Explain the concepts you want to assimilate to an imaginary child,
  • The Method of Loci or Memory Palace: Associate elements to remember with mental images in a familiar environment,
  • Mind Mapping: Use images and diagrams to represent ideas and information visually and organically,
  • The Blank Page Method: Write down everything you remember about your subject, then compare it with your notes to identify gaps and errors,
  • Chunking Method: Learning strategy that involves breaking down large amounts of information into smaller pieces,
  • Spaced Repetition: Regularly repeat information, gradually increasing the interval between each repetition.

Going further:

Test your memory with the Flashtests of your Mementos! Specify the number of key ideas, write them down, answer the quizzes, and finally, explain your subject to an imaginary child or a friend on webcam!

6. Fighting the Forgetting Curve with Spaced Repetition

The forgetting curve, highlighted by the German philosopher Hermann Ebbinghaus in the 19th century, is a constant reminder that memory is volatile. According to his research, approximately 50% of what we memorize fades from our minds in just two days, and this loss continues, though at a slower pace, over time.

The spaced repetition method is an effective way to combat the natural forgetting curve and retain desired information in the long term.

Repetition is the fundamental mechanism of memory. It leads to stable connections between neurons. In general, it takes dozens, sometimes hundreds of repetitions to learn something.

Think about how many times you had to repeat to learn to play a musical instrument correctly (yes, even the flute), to learn to ride a bike, learn to read, or drive a car... Repeating is clearly the most reliable method for long-term memorization.

With, all your Mementos have a spaced repetition functionality based on the spaced repetition memorization technique. A Flashtest will be sent to you at D+1, D+3, D+7, D+15...D+360. You'll have nothing else to do but ace the Flashtest again!

7. Share

Sharing knowledge, the result of your work, is taking the risk of exposing yourself, and it pushes you to give the best of yourself: proofreading, checking your resources and the relevance of your quizzes, making sure you can explain the core of your subject out loud.

Why Share Your Mementos?

  • Memorize Twice as Well. Make the strategic choice to share your Mementos with our online community. This action, more than just benefiting others, will strengthen your own assimilation of the subject. Haven't you heard that transmitting knowledge is learning it a second time?
  • Get Valuable Feedback. Enhance your Mementos by sharing them with our community. Whether positive or negative, comments provide new perspectives, thus reinforcing your understanding and expanding your knowledge.
  • Gain Visibility and Respectability. Create quality Mementos, compile them into Collections, and share them with as many people as possible! By gaining visibility and respectability, you'll increase your value and chances of reaching a wider audience. Whether you're a student looking for a little extra or a professional wanting to share your knowledge with others, MindFocus is the ideal platform for you.

With, all your Mementos can be shared (publicly or privately) and rated by other users. It's up to you to take the step and contribute to the enrichment of our community!